The most appropriate way to describe the “Best” seats on the Sun Country 737-800 is to say that they’re the equivalent of the best seats down at your local automotive repair shop. They’re not very comfortable, but it’ll be your best option given the circumstances.
Sun Country claims their Best seats to be exactly that. It’s their premium seating option with the main benefit being a bit of extra legroom. Hard emphasis on the word “bit.”
Yes, I can vouch for the benefits of the extra legroom thing after my experience of sitting in a “Best” seat for 3 1/2 hours on a flight from MSP to SAN. Everything else though? Meh.
Minneapolis, MN (MSP) – San Diego, CA (SAN)
Monday, March 13, 2023
Aircraft: 737-8Q8
Registration: N809SY
Duration: 3 hours 24 minutes
Seat: 4F (Best seat)

If you really want to understand what the Best seats are like, be sure to check out the video I created which shows how they compare to the most basic seat that Sun Country has to offer:
A full review of my Sun Country Airlines 737-800 best seat experience from Minneapolis to San Diego
Having just experienced the Sun Country 737-800 Standard seat on a flight from Boston, I was ready to give their premium seat a try on my connecting flight to San Diego. Well, I was as ready as I could ever be for an ultra low cost airline seat, but you know what I mean.
A few words about the Humphrey Terminal at the Minneapolis Airport
Sun Country operates out of the “other” terminal (Terminal 2) at the Minneapolis International Airport. Officially known as the Humphrey Terminal, all you really need to know is that it’s the non-Delta one.
In addition to Sun Country, it’s also occupied by Southwest, JetBlue, Alligiant, Frontier, and IcelandAir. It’s not a bad little airport terminal if I don’t say so myself.
The boarding process for flight number 407 to San Diego
Holding a seat assignment for a Best seat on any Sun Country Airlines flight will automatically put you in the first boarding group (Zone 1). After families with small children (and those needing extra time), it’s go time.
Boarding started right on time, and I ended up being one of the first on the plane today. So far so good…
My first impressions of the Sun Country 737-800 Best seat
Truthfully, the Best seats on the Sun Country 737-800s are exactly that. They are indeed better than the Standard seats, so they’re technically not lying. It’s wise to keep your expectations in check though.
Yeah, the Best seats are just a run-of-the-mill ultra low cost slimline seat with just a few inches of extra legroom. Those few inches do make a difference though. And of course that’s what she said. Why wouldn’t she?
One of the most surprising things about these seats is that they include USB power outlets (which are located between the seats near the floor). It’s a perk that not all ultra low cost carriers provide, so kudos to Sun Country for being so generous.
The departure
Don’t let all that sunshine and blue skies in the following pics fool you. It was 28°F when we pushed off the gate, so you bet your bananas that I was happy to be a passenger inside the plane and not a ramp worker out there in the elements.
It was a beautiful departure off of Runway 30L. Snowy and sunshiny departures are always the best.
It was a scenic taxi and takeoff to say the least. I even recorded a full video of it, which you can watch below:
In-flight entertainment
As you saw in my review of the Standard seats, Sun Country has a robust and well stocked in-flight entertainment product. It’s a streaming service of course, as there are no video screens integrated into the seats.
No matter though. There’s loads of great movies, TV shows (and even magazine) to peruse. I promise you’ll find something enjoyable enough to take your mind off how uncomfortable the seats are.
The food
I knew that I would get a free non-alcoholic drink on this flight, but I had no idea that Sun Country served complementary snacks to passengers in the Best seats.
The look on my face must have been hilarious as the flight attendant handed me a bag of pretzels. And they weren’t just regular pretzels either. They were Dot’s Homestyle Pretzels (which are basically the best pretzels ever).
Of course, alcohol and more substantial food is available for purchase. None of it is cheap though, so bring a lot of cash (or a credit card with a high spending limit) if you think there’s a chance you’ll want to buy a better snack.
Are the Best seats more comfortable than the Standard seats?
Yes and no. Yes, it’s a more comfortable experience overall thanks to the added legroom. But no, the seats themselves aren’t actually any better. These are not the same cushy first class seats that Sun Country used to have! They’re just same run-of-the-mill ultra low cost carrier slimline seats that you’ll find way in the back of this plane.
The arrival into San Diego
One of the things that made our arrival into San Diego so interesting on this day was the fact that everything was so green. Southern California had been pounded by strong rain all winter long, so the hills were definitely alive with lush vegetation. It doesn’t happen often.
All the pros and cons of the Sun Country 737-800 Best seats
Long story short, you’d be a fool not to shell out a little extra cash for a Best seat if you can afford it. No, the seats themselves aren’t all that comfortable, but the extra legroom can make a big difference.
- It’s usually not all that more expensive to upgrade to the Best seats (which makes this an excellent choice for traveling in relative comfort for an absolute bargain).
- Free snacks! You’ll also get a free bag of pretzels (or equivalent) plus a non-alcoholic drink – which is a nice compliment to the extra legroom.
- Speaking of the extra legroom, it’s definitely enough to make a difference. Crossing your legs will be easy if you’re under 6 feet tall, which for me, makes all the difference on longer flights.
- The seat itself is horrifically uncomfortable. It’s narrow, thin, and there is no bolstering to speak of. It’s pretty much like sitting on a bench.
- You’ll have less of a chance of the seat next to you being open if you’re traveling by yourself. It’s usually very cheap to upgrade to the Best seats, which results in many takers.
As always, a great review!
As a wise man once said, the best seats (…) are on another airline.
OK, well, to be fair, I think that these seats are worth it on a longer flight (such as MSP-SAN), as long as you find a good deal. Not only are the extra legroom and free snack (well, I usually bring my own food) nice, the adjustable headrests are good to have as well.
Although if it’s overpriced (over 15% more expensive than Standard), I might just tough it out in the cheap seats, unless I were flying from MSP to ANC or LIR. In that case, a humane amount of legroom is mandatory!
Oh, and really great views on this flight! The American Southwest is always impressive to look at, be it from the air or up-close.
Thanks Peter! I’d probably tough it out in the Standard seats more often than not knowing that the Best seat isn’t all that much of an upgrade. However, I can think of very few instances where I’d choose Sun Country for a very long flight anyway, so it’s unlikely that I’ll ever have to make that choice.
And yeah, MSP-SAN/LAX is a very scenic route! It’s far enough north that you’ll see everything from wide open plains, the most rugged part of the Rocky Mountains, the Grand Canyon, and even parts of the Mojave Desert. It basically beats the crap out of the stuff I normally see when flying between SAN and southern cities such as IAH, DFW, and ATL.
You’re welcome!
I think it’s rare to have Sun Country as an option on a longer flight to begin with, and on 90% of their flights I probably wouldn’t mind a Standard seat too much (based on these last 2 reviews). As I said above though, I wouldn’t turn down a cheap upgrade to the “Best” seats.
And yes, I agree that the western US is far more scenic than the southeast! I mean, I love the South, but the Rocky Mountains, Grand Canyon, and Mojave Desert (as well as everything else in that area) are a lot (and I mean, a lot) more beautiful and interesting to look at.
I have been waiting for another SY review from you and it is just about as I expected! I think they still have the same “Sun Country” vibes as they did back when you last flew them. They really do understand their MN roots are the only way they can survive (and even thrive) and they do a good job at maintaining that.
For Minnesotans trying to take their family of 5 on a vacation to the Caribbean or Mexico or Florida, Sun Country is the go-to. Especially with how RIDICULOUS Delta’s prices out of MSP are right now. If you are truly looking for family-friendly budget travel then SY is the way to go.
Yeah, something that I didn’t mention in the review (but I should have) is how surprised I was that they still pride themselves on being a small Minnesota-based airline. Other than the seats, the vibe was exactly the same as it was before switching to an ultra low cost business model.
And you’re right about it being a fantastic budget option. My sister and her family fly them all the time from MSP, as it’s always cheaper than Delta.
Someone posted a comment on my video saying that Sun Country is converting to a cargo-based operation and will no longer by flying passengers after 2025 (or so). I hadn’t heard this! It’ll be a real shame it it’s true.
Lol sounds like that person has no idea what they are talking about considering SY is taking deliveries of used 737-900ER’s starting in 2024/2025. Their pax operation is not going anywhere.
That’s good to know! I hadn’t heard about it either, so it was a bit of a head scratcher for sure.
I LOVE Dots pretzels and that was a pretty positive review about Sun country
Glad you enjoyed it Jude! Sun Country is a nice little airline – and the Dots pretzels just make it even better.
I miss the days when SC offered first class. It was about $100 extra each way and worth every penny. I wish they would offer a couple of rows of “Big Front Seats” like Spirit has. What is it about airports that makes everyone want to dash for food and beverages? I hate the feeling of flying when I am stuffed or knowing that I am going to need to use the restroom on the plane. There are plenty of opportunities to eat at the other end. Just a note, SC is a cashless cabin, so you will need a credit/debit card if you are going to pay for extras. The SC credit card will get you half price bag and seat fees, AND one free premium drink. If you are in a “best” seat, you can get 2 premium drinks. The “best” seats don’t always result in Zone 1 boarding. However with the SC credit card, you get priority boarding no matter where you sit.
Thanks for the added tips Greg! I too miss those old first class seats. Even the food they served was pretty good!