American Airlines 737 MAX 8 first class: I don’t love it as much as they think I do

American Airlines 737 MAX 8 first class: I don’t love it as much as they think I do

OK. Now it’s getting serious. After flying from San Diego to Miami in American Airlines 737 MAX 8 first class, I’m convinced that they are totally winning – nay, dominating – the race to become America’s most consistent airline.

The problem is that consistency isn’t always a good thing if what you’re being consistent with isn’t all that great.

American Airlines domestic first class is OK. The seats look fantastic in my opinion, but the lack of padding (and video screens) makes it a sub par experience. Constantly being bombarded with credit card ads doesn’t help either.

I don’t need yer stinkin’ Citi AAdvantage card!

San Diego, CA (SAN) – Miami, FL (MIA)
Monday, April 1, 2024
Aircraft: 737 MAX 8
Registration: N336SR
Duration: 4 hours 5 minutes
Seat: 3A (First Class)

American Airlines 737 MAX 8 (N336SR) side view
American Airlines 737 MAX 8 (N336SR) side view illustration by
AA2925 flight track
Our route from san Diego to Miami today as AA2925.

My full review of American Airlines 737 MAX 8 first class from San Diego to Miami

So yeah. Another trip back to Florida to visit family. I didn’t even know that American Airlines was flying the MAX 8 in and out of SAN until I was researching flights for this trip, so it was a nice little surprise to see something that I haven’t tried before.

I take that back. Remember my American Airlines 737-800 first class review? What you’re about to see is going to look an awful lot like that.

Arrival at Terminal 2 East (San Diego Airport)

6:30 AM flights are the worst. Boarding was scheduled to begin at 5:55 AM, which meant a wake up time of 3:40 AM. Things would certainly be easier if I lived right across the street from the airport. I need to work on that…

SANspotter walking into the San Diego international airport at 5 AM
According to my flight log, this is the 206th time that I’ve walked into the San Diego International Airport to catch a flight. Let’s just say that I’ve learned (the hard way) about looking both ways before crossing any roadways here. 
Walking to T2 east San Diego airport
Unfortunately, I’ve still got a thing or two to learn about parking. Why I didn’t I park closer to the entrance of Terminal 2 East (where the American Airlines check in counters are)? Perhaps it’s the effects of PTSD from being nearly run down by a Toyota RAV4 here once. I dunno.
American Airlines check-in area San Diego airport terminal 2 east
Considering that I checked in online the night before (and I’m planning on going through the security checkpoint over at T2W), I basically walked all this way for this single picture. F me and my decision to become an airline reviewer.
Looking down the interior of terminal 2 east San Diego airport
4000 steps later (after walking all the way back to Terminal 2 West to go through the security checkpoint there), I welcome you to the gutz of Terminal 2 East. This is turning out to be more exercise-y than I had originally planned.
American Airlines 737 MAX 8 parked at gate 23 San Diego airport
I’ve exerted too much energy this morning to put up with a canceled or delayed flight. So yeah – you’re damn right I was glad to see this 737 MAX 8 parked here at gate 23.
American 737 MAX 8 san Diego airport
Actually – this MAX 8 deserves more sympathy than me. It arrived from Miami at 1:30 AM (waaay late), and now (at 6 AM) it’s gotta go back. With an annoying airline reviewer onboard no less!

The boarding process for AA2925 to Miami

Boarding any flight in Terminal 2 East at SAN is always a bit of a challenge. It’s the ultimate test of patience as well. This is an older terminal, with some of the smallest (and tightest) gate areas in the entire airport. A heartfelt “hallelujah” was muttered under my breath as they announced the start of the boarding process (right on time).

American Airlines priority line San Diego airport Gate 23
Priority 1-4 life. It’s actually not all that exciting.
American Airlines San Diego to Miami first class mobile boarding pass
My list of life experiences continues to grow. I mean, now if anybody asks me if I’ve ever taken a picture of an American Airlines San Diego to Miami mobile boarding pass on an iPhone 14 in my left hand at 5:54 AM at the San Diego Airport (gate 23), I can say “you’re damn right I have.”
Boarding an American Airlines 737 max 8 San Diego airport
Not all life experiences are worth it at 6 AM IMHO. I probably would’ve enjoyed this boarding experience more had it occurred closer to the 9 o’clock hour.
American 737 MAX 8 forward boarding door
Here we go with what will be my 7th flight on a Boeing 737 MAX 8. I know it’s dangerous to make assumptions like that before the boarding door is even closed, but I am naïve enough at this really hour to think that they will actually get us out of here without any drama this morning.
Airlines 737 MAX 8 first class cabin
Speaking of no drama (not even any surprises), welcome to American Airlines 737 MAX 8 first class.

The seats

Trying to come up with something unique to say about the first class seats on the MAX 8 is challenging. I already said what I had to say the first time that I’ve tried these seats (which you can read about in my American Airlines A321neo first class review).

Long story short: I am of the opinion that this is the best looking domestic US first class product. It’s not the most comfortable though. Nor the most entertaining.

American 737 MAX 8 first class seats row 3
Here’s a pic of my window seat in row 3. Long story short, I’ve flown American Airlines domestic first class enough times to know that just because the seat looks really nice doesn’t mean that it’s anything special.
American 737 MAX 8 first class seats leg room
That said, my brain never functions properly at 6 AM. The generous leg room already has me distracted about the fact that I’ll be complaining about the lack of video screens soon enough.
American 737 MAX 8 no video screens
“Whaddya mean there’s no video screens?!”
Leg room and under seat storage space American 737 MAX 8 first class
“Oooh, nice legroom.”
American Airlines 737 MAX 8 first class seating configuration
The guys over there on the other side (in row 4) seem to be suffering from the same mental flip flopping as well. Glad I’m not the only one.
American Airlines 737 MAX 8 first class seat design
I do like the simplicity. Maybe I can live without video screens in seats that look as good as these?
American 737 MAX 8 first class seat details
USB-A charging ports, adjustable headrests, and full-size electrical outlets. No video screens though. Did I mention that there are no video screens yet?
Brushed metal details in American 737 MAX 8 first class
Ooh, brushed metal! They’re not making it so easy for me to be overly critical about the lack of a certain illuminated in-flight entertainment device.
American Airlines 737 MAX 8 first class passengers
He looks a little miffed about it too. I don’t think he has noticed the brushed metal yet.
SANspotter sitting in American Airlines 737 MAX 8 first class
Expression check: neutral smile, eyes glazed over, and a head tilt indicating mild indifference of the current situation.
American Airlines 737 MAX 8 first class view looking forward from the road 3
Fun fact: The last time that I flew from San Diego to Miami nonstop was in American Airlines A319 economy class. This seems to be slightly better…yet (oddly)…very much the same.

Our departure out of San Diego

OK. I take back what I said about 6:30 AM flights being the worst. It’s actually kinda fun to blast off right as the 6:30 AM departure curfew is lifted, knowing full well that you’re acting as an alarm clock for everyone who lives west of the airport. Rise and shine b*tches!

American Airlines 737 MAX 8 pushing off the gate at San Diego airport
Ladies and gentlemen, we have achieved pushback (4 minutes early). #golfclap
American Airlines 737 MAX 8 cabin lights off
Picture proof that flying from San Diego to Miami at 6:30 AM isn’t nearly as exciting as it sounds.
Southwest 737 arriving at San Diego airport as seen from an American Airlines 737 MAX 8
I shudder to think how early those people on that Southwest 737 had to get up to catch a flight arriving at SAN at 6:30 AM. That’s hard-core.
View of the San Diego airport as seen from a departing American 737 MAX 8
The fact that there are 16 737s in this shot (out of 19 total aircraft) tells you that…I couldn’t think of a caption for this pic.
Taking off from the San Diego international airport in the early morning
Do you suppose everyone down there in the Midway District and Point Loma were cowering in fear as we flew overhead (because 737 MAX)?
American 737 MAX 8 climbing away from San Diego
Status check: we’ve been in the air 4 minutes now and we haven’t crashed yet. Even the exit door plugs are still intact. I might survive this after all…

In-flight entertainment

Oh American. Why oh why can’t you be like Delta and United and offer video screens at every seat? Skimping on video screens makes this feel no better than my recent Spirit A321neo Big Front Seat experience. You don’t want me to think of you like that, right?

Streaming in flight entertainment American 737 MAX 8 first class
“Our customers love being able to watch blockbuster Hollywood movies and TV shows on tiny handheld devices.” You just know there’s an upper level executive somewhere within American Airlines that has said that in an interview at least once.
American 737 MAX 8 first class streaming movies and TV shows
Yeah, the selection of content is pretty good, but I’m not sure that I love this as much as they think I do.
American 737 MAX 8 first class streaming entertainment credit card advertisements
You know what I really love (especially at 6:30 AM)? Having to sit through 30 second credit card advertisements every time I make a selection. XOXO
American 737 MAX 8 first class fold down personal device holder in sea tback head rest
30 seconds later, and… this demonstration of the fold-down personal device older feels like a threat to my manhood. Remember folks – it’s not the size of the tool. It’s how it’s used.

The breakfast service

What American Airlines lacks in in-flight entertainment, they make up for in food. The food in AA domestic first class has been really good over the past few years. The offerings on this particular flight were no less satisfactory, and I had a hard time making a decision. I went with the most substantial option possible.

American 737 MAX 8 first class hot towel
My ability to read peoples minds has never been very good, but I’m nearly 100% certain that the flight attendant was thinking “you dirty bastard…” as she handed this hot towel to me. I can’t say that I blame her.
American 737 MAX 8 first class personal device holder built into the tray table
More surprises! This handy personal device holder built into the tray table is…handy. At least now I can watch credit card ads a movie while I eat (instead of trying to guess just how much the flight attendant hates my guts).
American 737 MAX 8 drink service
Kicking off the breakfast service today is a glass of room temperature water (no ice). Saying that I like to drink “toilet water” is technically not wrong.
American 737 MAX 8 first class breakfast charcuterie
Hold on now. I’m not that boring. As you can see, she (the flight attendant that probably hated me) had me at “breakfast charcuterie.”
American 737 MAX 8 first class charcuterie meal
This was so worth the effort it took to figure out how to spell “charcuterie”just now. What’s not to love about fatty meat and stinky cheese for breakfast?
American 737 MAX 8 first class bowl of fruit for breakfast
It also came with a bowl of fruit. This will offset all of the saturated fat and cholesterol of the meat and cheese, right? Thank God.
American Airlines 737 MAX 8 first class breakfast tray
Now that’s a breakfast! Also included was a buttermilk biscuit (which came after I took this pic), and…RIP to my arteries I guess.
SANspotter eating breakfast in American 737 MAX 8 first class
Why does being bad have to feel so freaking good?

Seat comfort

The problem with making a first class seat look so good is the fact that it often requires some sacrifices. In the case of the 737 MAX 8 first class seats (which, again, are the same seats on pretty much every other aircraft in the fleet), they sacrificed padding. These are very firm seats. I wouldn’t go as far as to call them ‘bench like’, but they flat. AF.

Crossing legs in American 737 MAX 8 first class
As you can see, I’ve given up on the idea of trying to watch a movie on a tiny screen. At least I’m comfortable(ish).
American Airlines 737 MAX 8 first class passengers
“Yo! You guys good over there?!” I didn’t get a response, but they look ‘aight.
American Airlines 737 MAX 8 first class overhead air vent
“Lefty loosie righty tighty…” (Overhead air vent flow is pretty good on the MAX 8 BTW).
American Airlines domestic first class basil and garlic olives snack
Whoops. Instead of grabbing what I thought was a bag of potato chips (when the flight attendant – the one who probably hated me – came by with a snack basket), I ended up with a bag of basil and garlic olives instead. Out of respect to my fellow passengers, I refrained from ripping this mofo open.

The descent and arrival into Miami

Pro tip: to avoid butt-clenching turbulence when flying into south Florida, choose a flight that either A). Falls between the months of November and April, or B). Arrives before noon. Summertime afternoon thunderstorms in South Florida are no joke – and enough to scare the ever living s**t out of even seasoned flyers such as myself.

Basically what I’m trying to say is that there was no threat of foul weather on the approach into Miami today. It was beautiful all the way in. Thank God.

Flying over the West Coast of Florida
Land ho! Shoutout to my boy Juan Ponce de León (the guy who discovered Florida in 1513).
Approaching Miami Airport in an American Airlines 737 MAX 8
There’s no telling if he made it this far inland though. “You mean there’s alligators here? Back from whence we came!”
American 737 MAX 8 landing at the Miami airport
Welcome to Miami (where never in a million years did I expect to see an Asian Airline right off the bat).
Arriving at D concourse Miami airport
“American 2925, yeah, we know that the terminal is empty, but we’re going to need you to park all the way at the end. K, thanks.”
Arriving at gate D51 at MIA in an American Airlines American 737 MAX 8
Gate Deee51. On the bright side, it’s actually the second to last gate here in concourse D. Bless their little hearts for bestowing on us at least an ounce of mercy here at MIA this afternoon.
American 737 MAX 8 first class passengers deplaning
All things considered, it was a pretty decent flight. Unfortunately, I can’t say if it was any better (or worse) than the verdict I reached in my American Airlines A320 first class review. They’re just so darn consistent from one aircraft type to the next, and all these first class experiences are blending together in my brain.
American 737 MAX 8 first class aisle
Basically what I’m trying to say is that if you’ve flown American Airlines domestic first class on at least one aircraft type, you’ve flown on them all. Now that’s what I call a life experience hack!
SANspotter walking up jet bridge at the Miami airport
That moment that you remember that it’s always 90° with 90% humidity in Florida (and that maybe you shouldn’t have worn 3 layers of long sleeve shirts today). 

Pros and cons of the AA 737 MAX 8 first class experience

Despite my criticisms of how basic these seats are, I can’t say that I’m all that annoyed by the consistency. It’s nice to know exactly what you’re gonna get even before you step foot on the plane.

In other words, if you’ve enjoyed any other flight in American Airlines domestic first class recently, I can pretty much guarantee that you’ll enjoy the ride on the 737 MAX 8 as well.


  • The seats are incredibly stylish. They are far from being the most comfortable that I’ve ever experienced, but they do look great.
  • There are two USB ports and one full size electrical outlet for each passenger.
  • The food (as always) is excellent.


  • There are no video screens, so be sure to bring a tablet (or laptop) if you don’t want to be stuck watching any of the streaming content on your phone.
  • I find these seats to be noticeably firmer than the first class seats on other US airlines.
  • Prepare to be bombarded with credit card advertisements up the wazoo.

Comments (15)

  1. JCC

    April 21, 2024
    • Scott (SANspotter)

      April 22, 2024
      • JNSD

        April 22, 2024
        • Scott (SANspotter)

          April 23, 2024
    • JNSD

      April 22, 2024
      • Scott (SANspotter)

        April 23, 2024
  2. Anthony

    April 24, 2024
    • Scott (SANspotter)

      April 24, 2024
      • Christy

        April 24, 2024
        • Scott (SANspotter)

          April 25, 2024
  3. Peter

    April 26, 2024
    • Scott (SANspotter)

      April 28, 2024
  4. Henry Sonneland

    May 8, 2024
    • Scott (SANspotter)

      May 8, 2024
      • Henry Sonneland

        May 8, 2024

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